Book Review: Fatal System Error: The Hunt for the New Crime Lords Who Are Bringing Down the Internet by Joseph Menn (2010)
Executive Summary If you are interested in the evolution of cyber crime, Fatal System Error is a good first reference. The author, Joseph Menn, is able to capture the early years as the cyber criminal community was just beginning to productize its cyber business, to professionalize it so that it ran more like a business. He tells the story through two early cyber security practitioners: a very young Barrett Lyon—a cyber security services businessman who built one of the first denial of service protection companies called Prolexic Technologies—and Andy Cocker—at the time, an agent for the UK's National Hi-Tech Crime Unit. Lyon gets sucked into protecting organized crime operations that dabbled in offshore gambling and pornography, and Cocker used old-fashioned police work to arrest some of the early cyber criminals when the FBI seemed completely impotent at the prospect. Menn also manages to sprinkle in a discussion of some of the most significant cyber security milestones betw...